Caricature of me by Bearman, Beartoons.com
Michael Williams is a freelance writer and author who began writing in third grade. His early professional background includes electrical and test engineering, network management, programming, and he was once a remodeling company owner.
“Until you get your hands dirty, you haven’t lived.” ~ MJ
As a writer, I usually use the pen name MJ Logan, although I have used Michael Logan and Michael James Logan for some work. My history with words predates kindergarten. I remember my excitement the first time I went to school and then my total disappointment to learn they didn’t teach reading until first grade. In third grade, our teacher showed us how to make little booklets out of loose-leaf paper. I was prolific and wrote little books about everything I read, saw, or imagined.
Over thirty years ago, my employer asked me to write and submit a white paper to a trade magazine. Much to my surprise, they published it and with that, I realized my passion for words had taken a new turn.
I haven’t looked back since that first publication and published countless newspaper articles, editorials, articles, blogs, posts, and all forms of web content. My work appears in everything from real estate brochures to technical manuals to how-to articles, both in print and on the web.