Reading Life
I’ve been a voracious reader of books and periodicals since I learned to read in first grade. Second grade, my teacher took me to the librarian and asked her to give me access to anything I wanted to read. And read I did. No, I didn’t understand it all. But eventually, even what I didn’t understand became a part of my unquenchable desire for knowledge and learning.
Today, I read about 100 books a year. Mostly science fiction, but also memoirs of homesteading, pioneering, and survival and personal achievement or growth. I don’t have time to fit it all in here, but if you see it here, I enjoyed reading and long after I turned the last page, the book stood out as an exceptional story.
Carry On by Stan Zuray and Tim Attewell
"Born and raised in Boston, Mass. (Dorchester) for 19 years then moved to Alaska where I now live on the Yukon River. Fish, hunt and trap with the seasons and have a family. Drive dogs in winter. Can be found on the river at fish camp all summer, village of Tanana or...