Writing Life
It is interesting to me to explore my own inspiration and to reflect on the path I’ve followed along this journey. So much to write. So little time. If only I could type faster or somehow will my thoughts onto paper (or screen.)
From my childhood beginnings to my first publication. A short story accepted and published in an anthology. Newspaper articles. Letters to the editor. Trade Magazines. Each a step forward but never hoping to complete the journey or that it will someday end. No. Writing is too much a part of me to ever give it up.

When it Rains…
Photo by RoAllWhile I sipped coffee this morning and looked out the French doors to our small deck, I noticed some small bees hovering over the Sweet Autumn Clematis that climbs up the posts and railings every year. I'm not sure what attracted them, but I did notice...

Unexpected Moments
Sunset Over Dog Park. The camera is pointed south by southwest. It is late fall in 2016. The trees have lost their leaves and the sun sets to the left of west. Look how the sun backlights the trees in firery red. The unexpected moment often fosters my inspiration....

Against the Wind
An inspirational quote comes from the famous automaker Henry Ford. “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." We often view adversity as an obstacle. Something negative which we must overcome or...

Contemplative Moment at the Woodstove
Once again, the cabin has worked its magic and endowed me with a contemplative moment. This time, the magic was no illusion. Just a wonderful, contemplative moment in time. Franklin Stove at the Family Cabin © MJ Logan 2016It seems that lately there are too few...

Looking Back—The Beginning of My Writing Journey
Before I started kindergarten, I wanted to read. As a child of Small Town America in the middle 1960s, learning to read happened in school and not at home. Worry about school diminished when Mom explained I would learn to read. Finally. Until then, I often tried to...